lemon is designed to subsume most of the features of SKOS (Miles and Bechhofer, 2009), in particular the ability to state preferred labels and represent soft semantic relations. lemon uses the sub-properties of lexicalForm and isReferenceOf to more precisely capture the same semantics as SKOS's prefLabel, altLabel and hiddenLabel. The conversion is as follows:

  Canonical Form Other Form Abstract Form
Preferred Reference of prefLabel altLabel hiddenLabel
Alternative Reference of altLabel altLabel hiddenLabel
Hidden Reference of hiddenLabel hiddenLabel hiddenLabel

As such it should be easy to convert a lemon model into a SKOS model, but converting the other way is harder as it involves deducing if the reason for an alternative or hidden label is pragmatic or morphosyntactic.

lemon also allows for SKOS’s semantic properties broader, narrower and related to be mapped in a one-to-one manner to lemon’s broader, narrower and senseRelation. Although Like the lemon properties are - like their SKOS counterparts - not transitive, lemon's concept of senses being related (i.e. senseRelation) is a super property of broader and narrower.

John McCrae 2012-07-31