Uses of Interface

Packages that use LemonModel

Uses of LemonModel in eu.monnetproject.lemon

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon that return LemonModel
abstract  LemonModel LemonSerializer.create()
          Create a blank model.
abstract  LemonModel LemonSerializer.create(URI graph)
          Deprecated. Deprecated, use either create() if the context is irrelevant or methods of particular implementations such as LemonModels.sparqlEndpoint() to define a context.
static LemonModel LemonSerializer.modelFromURL(URL url)
          Get a model from the web starting from a given URL.
abstract  LemonModel source)
          Read a lemon model from a given data source
static LemonModel LemonModels.sparqlEndpoint(URL endpoint, Set<URI> graphs, LinguisticOntology lingOnto)
          Connect to a lemon model contained in a SPARQL endpoint
static LemonModel LemonModels.sparqlUpdateEndpoint(URL sparqlEndpoint, URI graph, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, String updateEndpoint, SPARQL dialect)
          Connect to a lemon model in a repository supporting SPARQL and SPARQL update
static LemonModel LemonModels.sparqlUpdateEndpoint(URL sparqlEndpoint, URI graph, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, String updateEndpoint, String username, String password, SPARQL dialect)
          Connect to a lemon model in a repository supporting SPARQL and SPARQL update

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon with parameters of type LemonModel
static Collection<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesAlphabetic(LemonModel model, Lexicon lexicon, int offset, int limit)
          Get all the entries in a lexicon as an alphabetic sorted list
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesByForm(LemonModel model, LexicalForm form)
          Select a lexical entry by its form
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesByForm(LemonModel model, String form, String lang)
          Select a lexical entry by the form's representation
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesByFormAndProps(LemonModel model, String form, String lang, Map<Property,PropertyValue> props)
          Get entries by their written representation and properties
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesByFormApprox(LemonModel model, String form)
          Select a lexical entry by the form's representation, using regex
static Map<URI,List<LexicalEntry>> LemonModels.getEntriesBySense(LemonModel model, Lexicon lexicon, int offset, int limit)
          Get entries in a lexicon mapped by the references they have
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntryByReference(LemonModel model, URI reference)
          Get the set of entries that refer to a given reference
static LexicalEntry LemonModels.getEntryBySense(LemonModel model, LexicalSense sense)
          Get the set of entries that refer to a given sense
static List<Lexicon> LemonModels.getLexicaByEntry(LemonModel model, LexicalEntry entry)
          Get the set of lexica containing a given entry
abstract  void LemonSerializer.moveLexicon(Lexicon lexicon, LemonModel from, LemonModel to)
          Move a lexicon from one model to another.
abstract  void model, Reader source)
          Read a lemon model putting the data in a given model
 RemoteUpdater RemoteUpdaterFactory.updaterForModel(LemonModel model)
abstract  void LemonSerializer.write(LemonModel model, Writer target)
          Write a lemon model to a given data source
abstract  void LemonSerializer.write(LemonModel model, Writer target, boolean xml)
          Write a lemon model to a given data source
abstract  void LemonSerializer.writeEntry(LemonModel model, LexicalEntry entry, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, Writer target)
          Write a single entry to a file
abstract  void LemonSerializer.writeEntry(LemonModel model, LexicalEntry entry, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, Writer target, boolean xml)
          Write a single entry to a file
abstract  void LemonSerializer.writeLexicon(LemonModel model, Lexicon lexicon, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, Writer target)
          Write a single lexicon to a file
abstract  void LemonSerializer.writeLexicon(LemonModel model, Lexicon lexicon, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, Writer target, boolean xml)
          Write a single lexicon to a file
 void LemonSerializer.writeLexiconDescription(LemonModel model, Lexicon lexicon, Writer target)
          Write the description of a lexicon, i.e., only links to entries not the entries' descriptions

Uses of LemonModel in eu.monnetproject.lemon.conversions.skosxl

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.conversions.skosxl that return LemonModel
static LemonModel SKOSXLConverter.convert(Reader document)

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.conversions.skosxl with parameters of type LemonModel
static Document SKOSXLConverter.convert(LemonModel model)

Uses of LemonModel in eu.monnetproject.lemon.impl

Classes in eu.monnetproject.lemon.impl that implement LemonModel
 class LemonModelImpl
          Instantiated via LemonSerializerImpl

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.impl that return LemonModel
 LemonModel LemonSerializerImpl.create()
 LemonModel LemonSerializerImpl.create(URI context)
 LemonModel AccepterFactory.getModel()
 LemonModel LexiconImpl.getModel()
 LemonModel source)

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.impl with parameters of type LemonModel
 void LemonSerializerImpl.moveLexicon(Lexicon lexicon, LemonModel from, LemonModel to)
 void lm, Reader source)
 RemoteUpdater SPARULUpdaterFactory.updaterForModel(LemonModel model)
 void LemonSerializerImpl.write(LemonModel model, Writer target)
 void LemonSerializerImpl.write(LemonModel lm, Writer dt, boolean xml)
 void LemonSerializerImpl.writeEntry(LemonModel model, LexicalEntry entry, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, Writer target)
 void LemonSerializerImpl.writeEntry(LemonModel lm, LexicalEntry le, LinguisticOntology lo, Writer dt, boolean xml)
 void LemonSerializerImpl.writeLexicon(LemonModel model, Lexicon lexicon, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, Writer target)
 void LemonSerializerImpl.writeLexicon(LemonModel lm, Lexicon lxcn, LinguisticOntology lo, Writer dt, boolean xml)

Uses of LemonModel in

Methods in that return LemonModel
 LemonModel ReaderVisitor.getModel()

Uses of LemonModel in

Methods in that return LemonModel
 LemonModel RDFXMLReader.getModel()

Uses of LemonModel in eu.monnetproject.lemon.model

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.model that return LemonModel
 LemonModel Lexicon.getModel()
          Get the model this lexicon is contained in

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