Uses of Interface

Packages that use LexicalEntry

Uses of LexicalEntry in eu.monnetproject.lemon

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon that return LexicalEntry
static LexicalEntry LemonModels.addEntryToLexicon(Lexicon lexicon, URI entryURI, String canForm, URI senseRef)
          Quickly add a lexical entry to a lexicon
static LexicalEntry LemonModels.getEntryBySense(LemonModel model, LexicalSense sense)
          Get the set of entries that refer to a given sense
 LexicalEntry LemonFactory.makeLexicalEntry(URI uri)
          Create a new lexical entry
abstract  LexicalEntry LemonSerializer.readEntry(Reader source)
          Read a single entry

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon that return types with arguments of type LexicalEntry
static Collection<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesAlphabetic(LemonModel model, Lexicon lexicon, int offset, int limit)
          Get all the entries in a lexicon as an alphabetic sorted list
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesByForm(LemonModel model, LexicalForm form)
          Select a lexical entry by its form
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesByForm(LemonModel model, String form, String lang)
          Select a lexical entry by the form's representation
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesByFormAndProps(LemonModel model, String form, String lang, Map<Property,PropertyValue> props)
          Get entries by their written representation and properties
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntriesByFormApprox(LemonModel model, String form)
          Select a lexical entry by the form's representation, using regex
static Map<URI,List<LexicalEntry>> LemonModels.getEntriesBySense(LemonModel model, Lexicon lexicon, int offset, int limit)
          Get entries in a lexicon mapped by the references they have
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntryByReference(LemonModel model, URI reference)
          Get the set of entries that refer to a given reference
static List<LexicalEntry> LemonModels.getEntryByReference(Lexicon lexicon, URI reference)

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon with parameters of type LexicalEntry
static List<Lexicon> LemonModels.getLexicaByEntry(LemonModel model, LexicalEntry entry)
          Get the set of lexica containing a given entry
static LexicalForm LemonModels.resolveForm(LexicalEntry entry, Map<Property,Collection<PropertyValue>> properties)
abstract  void LemonSerializer.writeEntry(LemonModel model, LexicalEntry entry, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, Writer target)
          Write a single entry to a file
abstract  void LemonSerializer.writeEntry(LemonModel model, LexicalEntry entry, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, Writer target, boolean xml)
          Write a single entry to a file

Uses of LexicalEntry in eu.monnetproject.lemon.impl

Classes in eu.monnetproject.lemon.impl that implement LexicalEntry
 class LexicalEntryImpl
          Instantiated via LemonFactoryImpl
 class PartImpl
          Instantiated via LemonFactoryImpl
 class PhraseImpl
          Instantiated via LemonFactoryImpl
 class WordImpl
          Instantiated via LemonFactoryImpl

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.impl that return LexicalEntry
 LexicalEntry ComponentImpl.getElement()
 LexicalEntry AccepterFactory.getEntry()
 LexicalEntry LexicalSenseImpl.getIsSenseOf()
 LexicalEntry LemonFactoryImpl.makeLexicalEntry()
 LexicalEntry LemonFactoryImpl.makeLexicalEntry(URI uri)
 LexicalEntry LemonSerializerImpl.readEntry(Reader source)

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.impl that return types with arguments of type LexicalEntry
 Collection<LexicalEntry> LexiconImpl.getEntrys()
 Collection<LexicalEntry> LexicalEntryImpl.getLexicalVariant(LexicalVariant lexicalVariant)
 Map<LexicalVariant,Collection<LexicalEntry>> LexicalEntryImpl.getLexicalVariants()

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.impl with parameters of type LexicalEntry
 boolean LexiconImpl.addEntry(LexicalEntry entry)
 boolean LexicalEntryImpl.addLexicalVariant(LexicalVariant lexicalVariant, LexicalEntry lexicalVariantVal)
 boolean LexiconImpl.hasEntry(LexicalEntry entry)
 boolean LexiconImpl.removeEntry(LexicalEntry entry)
 boolean LexicalEntryImpl.removeLexicalVariant(LexicalVariant lexicalVariant, LexicalEntry lexicalVariantVal)
 void ComponentImpl.setElement(LexicalEntry element)
 void LexicalSenseImpl.setIsSenseOf(LexicalEntry entry)
 void LemonSerializerImpl.writeEntry(LemonModel model, LexicalEntry entry, LinguisticOntology lingOnto, Writer target)
 void LemonSerializerImpl.writeEntry(LemonModel lm, LexicalEntry le, LinguisticOntology lo, Writer dt, boolean xml)

Uses of LexicalEntry in

Methods in that return LexicalEntry
 LexicalEntry ReaderVisitor.getEntry()

Uses of LexicalEntry in eu.monnetproject.lemon.liam

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.liam with parameters of type LexicalEntry
 LexicalForm MorphologyEngine.generate(LexicalEntry entry, MorphPattern pattern, Map<Property,Collection<PropertyValue>> props)

Uses of LexicalEntry in eu.monnetproject.lemon.liam.impl

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.liam.impl with parameters of type LexicalEntry
 LexicalForm MorphologyEngineImpl.generate(LexicalEntry entry, MorphPattern mp, Map<Property,Collection<PropertyValue>> map)

Uses of LexicalEntry in eu.monnetproject.lemon.model

Subinterfaces of LexicalEntry in eu.monnetproject.lemon.model
 interface Part
          A part of a word
 interface Phrase
          A multiple word lexical entry
 interface Word
          A lexical entry that is a single word

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.model that return LexicalEntry
 LexicalEntry Component.getElement()
          Get the base lexical entry for this component
 LexicalEntry LexicalSense.getIsSenseOf()
          Get the lexical entry this sense is attached to

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.model that return types with arguments of type LexicalEntry
 Collection<LexicalEntry> Lexicon.getEntrys()
          Get the entries that compose this lexicon
 Collection<LexicalEntry> LexicalEntry.getLexicalVariant(LexicalVariant lexicalVariant)
          Get the set entries that are a given variant of the entry
 Map<LexicalVariant,Collection<LexicalEntry>> LexicalEntry.getLexicalVariants()
          Get the lexical variants of the entry

Methods in eu.monnetproject.lemon.model with parameters of type LexicalEntry
 boolean Lexicon.addEntry(LexicalEntry entry)
          Add an entry to the lexicon
 boolean LexicalEntry.addLexicalVariant(LexicalVariant lexicalVariant, LexicalEntry lexicalVariantVal)
          Add a lexical variant of the entry
 boolean Lexicon.hasEntry(LexicalEntry entry)
          Check if the lexicon contains an entry.
 boolean Lexicon.removeEntry(LexicalEntry entry)
          Remove an entry from the lexicon
 boolean LexicalEntry.removeLexicalVariant(LexicalVariant lexicalVariant, LexicalEntry lexicalVariantVal)
          Remove a lexical variant of the entry
 void Component.setElement(LexicalEntry element)
          Set the base lexical entry for this component
 void LexicalSense.setIsSenseOf(LexicalEntry entry)
          Set the lexical entry this sense is attached to (avoid calling)

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