Lexical variants

Another important factor of lemon is the ability to model the differences between various words and forms of a word. This is performed by the properties lexicalVariant, formVariant and senseRelation. Again here we handle the large number of potential annotations by referring to a data category registry to define these relations.7

:hiv lemon:canonicalForm [ lemon:writtenRep "HIV"@en ] ;
   isocat:termType isocat:initialism ;
   isocat:initialismFor :human_immunodeficiency_virus .
   lemon:canonicalForm [ lemon:writtenRep "Human immunodeficiency virus"@en ] ;
   isocat:termType isocat:fullForm ;
   isocat:fullFormFor :hiv .
isocat:initialismFor rdfs:subPropertyOf lemon:lexicalVariant .
isocat:fullFormFor rdfs:subPropertyOf lemon:lexicalVariant .

Image variation-ex4

Example 25

It is also possible to state lexical entries to be syntactic variants of another, if one is somehow derived from another. For example, the words “lexicon”, “lexical” and “lexicalize” are derived from a single root. This is done by means of the lexicalVariant relation. E.g.,

:lexicon :adjectivalVariant :lexical ;
   :verbalVariant :lexicalize .
:adjectivalVariant rdfs:subPropertyOf lemon:lexicalVariant .
:verbalVariant rdfs:subPropertyOf lemon:lexicalVariant .
Example 26

John McCrae 2012-07-31