
Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
Property Value
lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:value deuStaat in Südwesteuropa
uby:definitionType intensionalDefinition
lemon:example WktDE_SenseExample_285     More...
lemon:example WktDE_SenseExample_286     More...
lemon:example WktDE_SenseExample_287     More...
lemon:example WktDE_SenseExample_288     More...
uby:association WktDE_sense_252     More...
uby:equivalent slk?panielsko
uby:equivalent bos?panija
uby:equivalent slv?panija
uby:equivalent hrv?panjolska
uby:equivalent tur?spanya
uby:equivalent fraEspagne
uby:equivalent eusEspainia
uby:equivalent ociEspanha
uby:equivalent porEspanha
uby:equivalent inaEspania
uby:equivalent finEspanja
uby:equivalent catEspanya
uby:equivalent glgEspaña
uby:equivalent spaEspaña
uby:equivalent estHispaania
uby:equivalent latHispania
uby:equivalent epoHispanio
uby:equivalent polHiszpania
uby:equivalent hye-latnIspania
uby:equivalent litIspanija
uby:equivalent ell-latnIspanía
uby:equivalent cymSbaen
uby:equivalent msaSepanyol
uby:equivalent itaSpagna
uby:equivalent furSpagne
uby:equivalent engSpain
uby:equivalent norSpania
uby:equivalent ronSpania
uby:equivalent danSpanien
uby:equivalent ndsSpanien
uby:equivalent sweSpanien
uby:equivalent afrSpanje
uby:equivalent nldSpanje
uby:equivalent indSpanyol
uby:equivalent hunSpanyolország
uby:equivalent volSpanyän
uby:equivalent rohSpogna
uby:equivalent islSpánn
uby:equivalent glean Spáinn
uby:equivalent kor-latnseupein
uby:equivalent jpn-latnsupein
uby:equivalent cesŠpanělsko
uby:equivalent ellΙσπανία
uby:equivalent bulИспания
uby:equivalent rusИспания
uby:equivalent ukrИспания
uby:equivalent hyeԻսպանիա
uby:equivalent hebספרד
uby:equivalent jpnスペイン
uby:equivalent zho西班牙
uby:equivalent kor스페인
uby:index 1
uby:monolingualExternalRef MonolingualExternalRef1
rdf:type uby:MonolingualExternalRef
uby:externalReference 1101:0:1
uby:externalSystem Wiktionary sense key
uby:semanticLabel SemanticLabel1
rdf:type uby:SemanticLabel
uby:label toponym
uby:type semanticNounClass
uby:taxonomic WktDE_sense_252     More...

Is used by:
Property Value
Is lemon:sense of WktDE_lexicalEntry_104     More...
Is uby:association of WktDE_sense_252     More...
Is uby:taxonomic of WktDE_sense_252     More...


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