
Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
Property Value
lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:value engAn Agent expends effort towards achieving a Goal. Alternatively, a Salient_entity involved in the Goal can be expressed in place of a Goal expression. In addition, our organization will work on improving accountability in every department. If somebody is working on the pipes of your house and you turn on the faucet hard, you get sand, junk. You could see several students plugging away at the problem. We have benefited greatly from their work on this problem.
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8114     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8115     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8116     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8117     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8118     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8119     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8120     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8121     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8122     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8123     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8124     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8125     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8126     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8127     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8128     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8129     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8130     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8131     More...
uby:label Working_on

Is used by:
Property Value
Is lemon:broader of FN_Sense_3537     More...
Is lemon:broader of FN_Sense_5772     More...
Is lemon:broader of FN_Sense_6725     More...
Is lemon:broader of FN_Sense_8298     More...


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You are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) the work, to develop your own extensions (adapt, remix) of the work, and to make commercial use of the work, provided that you comply with the licenses of all the integrated lexical resources and linkings between them.

This resources is derived from FrameNet under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

The WordNet - FrameNet mapping "MapNet" is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

You are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) the work, to develop your own extensions (adapt, remix) of the work, and to make commercial use of the work under the condition that you give attribution along the following lines:

The WordNet - FrameNet mapping "WordFrameNet" is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

You are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) the work, to develop your own extensions (adapt, remix) of the work, and to make commercial use of the work under the condition that you give attribution along the following lines: