
Instance of: lemon:UsageExample
Property Value
lemon:value engA family with a rounded flat disk covered by small imbricating plates amongst which the centrodorsal and primary plates usually distinct ; the radial shields small , length less than half the radius of the disk , well separated from one another ; the jaw broader or as broad as long ; usually one sometimes two apical papillae flanked by 5-7 oral papillae on each side the distalmost slightly curved and extending beneath the largest oral papilla just proximal to it , it is possible that this distalmost papillae is part of the second oral tentacle pore ; the adoral shields large and wing-like ; the oral shield large , rounded triangular or arrow shaped , usually longer than broad ; the arms long and slender ; the dorsal and ventral arm plates well developed and contiguous at least proximally ; the tentacle pores moderately large each armed with one or two flat leaf-like tentacle scales ; usually three times long , erect arm spines , equal in length to two arm segments .
uby:exampleType category:senseInstance

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Is lemon:example of FN_Sense_7082     More...


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