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Lemon - Lexicon Model for Ontologies


Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
Property Value
lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:reference OW_deu_Synset_1559     More...
uby:crosslingualSenseAlignment ../ow_eng/OW_eng_Sense_33243     More...
uby:equivalent itaandamento economico
uby:equivalent fraconjoncture
uby:equivalent engeconomic trend
uby:equivalent nldeconomische trend
uby:equivalent eusekonomiaren joera
uby:equivalent cesekonomický trend
uby:equivalent slkekonomický trend
uby:equivalent sweekonomisk tendens
uby:equivalent hungazdasági irányzat/trend
uby:equivalent slvgospodarski trend
uby:equivalent slvgospodarski trend, gospodarsko gibanje
uby:equivalent slvgospodarsko gibanje
uby:equivalent eusjoera ekonomiko
uby:equivalent eusjoera ekonomiko; ekonomiaren joera
uby:equivalent dankonjunktur
uby:equivalent estmajandusliku arengu tendents (suundumus)
uby:equivalent finsuhdannekehitys
uby:equivalent spatendencia económica
uby:equivalent poltendencja gospodarcza
uby:equivalent portendências económicas
uby:equivalent nobøkonomisk trend
uby:equivalent ellτάση της οικονομίας/(οικονομική) συγκυρία
uby:equivalent bulИкономическа тенденция
uby:equivalent bulикономическа тенденция
uby:equivalent rusэкономическая тенденция
uby:index 208533
uby:monolingualExternalRef MonolingualExternalRef1
rdf:type uby:MonolingualExternalRef
uby:externalReference 208533
uby:externalSystem OW SynTrans ID
uby:taxonomic OW_deu_Sense_19645     More...
uby:taxonomic OW_deu_Sense_19869     More...

Is used by:
Property Value
Is lemon:sense of OW_deu_LexicalEntry_25998     More...
Is uby:taxonomic of OW_deu_Sense_19645     More...
Is uby:taxonomic of OW_deu_Sense_19869     More...


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The WordNet OmegaWikiDE alignment is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

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