
Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
Property Value
lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:value deuTropische See in der westlichen Hemisphäre, Teil des Atlantiks, gelegen südöstlich des Golfs von Mexiko.
lemon:reference OW_deu_Synset_16409     More...
uby:crosslingualSenseAlignment ../ow_eng/OW_eng_Sense_46390     More...
uby:equivalent litAntilų jūra
uby:equivalent swhBahari ya Karibi
uby:equivalent nldCaraïbische Zee
uby:equivalent engCaribbean Sea
uby:equivalent islKarabíska hafið
uby:equivalent turKarayip Denizi
uby:equivalent hunKarib-tenger
uby:equivalent epoKariba Maro
uby:equivalent eusKaribe itsasoa
uby:equivalent idoKaribeano
uby:equivalent nobKaribhavet
uby:equivalent finKaribianmeri
uby:equivalent sweKaribiska havet
uby:equivalent sweKaribiska sjön
uby:equivalent slvKaribsko morje
uby:equivalent slkKaribské more
uby:equivalent cesKaribské moře
uby:equivalent litKaribų jūra
uby:equivalent estKariibi meri
uby:equivalent islKaríbahaf
uby:equivalent lavKarību jūra
uby:equivalent indLaut Karibia
uby:equivalent itaMar Caraibico
uby:equivalent argMar Caribe
uby:equivalent astMar Caribe
uby:equivalent inaMar Caribe
uby:equivalent spaMar Caribe
uby:equivalent argMar d'as Antillas
uby:equivalent astMar de les Antilles
uby:equivalent itaMar dei Caraibi
uby:equivalent pmsMar dij Caràibi
uby:equivalent latMare Caribaeum
uby:equivalent porMarea Antilelor
uby:equivalent porMarea Caraibelor
uby:equivalent polMorze Karaibskie
uby:equivalent gleMuir na Cairibe
uby:equivalent catmar Carib
uby:equivalent glgmar Caribe
uby:equivalent glgmar das Antillas
uby:equivalent catmar de les Antilles
uby:equivalent framer des Antilles
uby:equivalent framer des Caraïbes
uby:equivalent bremor Karib
uby:equivalent bremor an Antilhez
uby:equivalent ellΚαραϊβική Θάλασσα
uby:equivalent bulКарибско море
uby:equivalent rusКарибское море
uby:equivalent mkdКарипско Море
uby:equivalent belКарыбскае мора
uby:equivalent arbبحر الكاريبي
uby:equivalent pesدریای کارائیب
uby:equivalent tamகரிபியக் கடல்
uby:equivalent thaทะเลแคริบเบียน
uby:equivalent katკარიბის ზღვა
uby:equivalent jpnカリブ海
uby:equivalent kor카리브 해
uby:index 761316
uby:monolingualExternalRef MonolingualExternalRef1
rdf:type uby:MonolingualExternalRef
uby:externalReference 761316
uby:externalSystem OW SynTrans ID

Is used by:
Property Value
Is lemon:sense of OW_deu_LexicalEntry_2920     More...


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