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Lemon - Lexicon Model for Ontologies


Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
Property Value
lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:value deuDie wissenschaftliche Untersuchung, wie Sprache verwendet wird, in Bezug auf alle gesellschaftlichen Aspekte wie kulturelle Normen, Erwartungen, und den Kontext. Sie untersucht ebenfalls Soziolekte, Sprachvarianten, die durch verschiedene gesellschaftliche Faktoren getrennt sind, wie ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Religion, Status, Geschlecht und Bildungsstand.
lemon:reference OW_deu_Synset_16414     More...
uby:crosslingualSenseAlignment ../ow_eng/OW_eng_Sense_19533     More...
uby:crosslingualSenseAlignment ../ow_eng/OW_eng_Sense_31468     More...
uby:equivalent eusSoziolinguistika
uby:equivalent eushizkuntzaren soziologia
uby:equivalent glesochtheangeolaíocht
uby:equivalent itasociolinguistica
uby:equivalent engsociolinguistics
uby:equivalent frasociolinguistique
uby:equivalent nldsociolinguïstiek
uby:equivalent ronsociolingvistica
uby:equivalent dansociolingvistik
uby:equivalent swesociolingvistik
uby:equivalent srpsociolingvistika
uby:equivalent catsociolingüística
uby:equivalent glgsociolingüística
uby:equivalent porsociolingüística
uby:equivalent spasociolingüística
uby:equivalent wlnsociolinwince
uby:equivalent astsociollingüística
uby:equivalent cessociologie jazyka
uby:equivalent engsociology of language
uby:equivalent polsocjolingwistyka
uby:equivalent afrsosiolinguistiek
uby:equivalent indsosiolinguistik
uby:equivalent estsotsiolingvistika
uby:equivalent eussoziolinguistika
uby:equivalent dansprogsociologi
uby:equivalent swespråksociologi
uby:equivalent hunszociolingvisztika
uby:equivalent breyezhoniezh kevdredel
uby:equivalent rusсоциолингви́стика
uby:equivalent srpсоциолингвистика
uby:equivalent bulсоциолингвистиката
uby:equivalent rusсоциологическая лингвистика
uby:equivalent hebבלשנות חברתית
uby:equivalent arbلسانيات اجتماعي
uby:equivalent katსოციოლინგვისტიკა
uby:equivalent jpn社会言語学
uby:equivalent zho社会语言学
uby:index 474560
uby:monolingualExternalRef MonolingualExternalRef1
rdf:type uby:MonolingualExternalRef
uby:externalReference 474560
uby:externalSystem OW SynTrans ID
uby:taxonomic OW_deu_Sense_13170     More...
uby:taxonomic OW_deu_Sense_18561     More...
uby:taxonomic OW_deu_Sense_19777     More...

Is used by:
Property Value
Is lemon:sense of OW_deu_LexicalEntry_3173     More...


The resource lemonUBY is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license. This resource is derived from UBY under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license
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The WordNet OmegaWikiDE alignment is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

You are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) the work, to develop your own extensions (adapt, remix) of the work, and to make commercial use of the work.

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