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Lemon - Lexicon Model for Ontologies


Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
Property Value
lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:reference OW_deu_Synset_6799     More...
uby:crosslingualSenseAlignment ../ow_eng/OW_eng_Sense_34867     More...
uby:equivalent eusbide nabigagarri publikoen jabari
uby:equivalent itademanio fluviale
uby:equivalent fradomaine public fluvial
uby:equivalent pordomínio público hídrico
uby:equivalent poldrogi wodne
uby:equivalent slvjavne vode
uby:equivalent noboffentlig vannveg
uby:equivalent danoffentligt vandvejsområde
uby:equivalent sweoffentligt vattenvägsområde
uby:equivalent nldopenbare waterwegen
uby:equivalent engpublic waterways domain
uby:equivalent estriigile kuuluvad siseveekogud
uby:equivalent slkverejná vodná cesta
uby:equivalent cesvlastnictví cest vodních veřejné
uby:equivalent finyleinen vesitiealue
uby:equivalent hunállami víziút terület
uby:equivalent spaámbito de canales públicos
uby:equivalent ellτομέας δημόσιας ναυσιπλοΐας
uby:equivalent rusводные пути в государственной собственности
uby:equivalent bulобществено (държавно)владение на водните пътища
uby:index 286689
uby:monolingualExternalRef MonolingualExternalRef1
rdf:type uby:MonolingualExternalRef
uby:externalReference 286689
uby:externalSystem OW SynTrans ID
uby:taxonomic OW_deu_Sense_24058     More...

Is used by:
Property Value
Is lemon:sense of OW_deu_LexicalEntry_3332     More...
Is uby:taxonomic of OW_deu_Sense_24058     More...


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You are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) the work, to develop your own extensions (adapt, remix) of the work, and to make commercial use of the work, provided that you comply with the licenses of all the integrated lexical resources and linkings between them.

The WordNet OmegaWikiDE alignment is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

You are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) the work, to develop your own extensions (adapt, remix) of the work, and to make commercial use of the work.

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