
Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
Property Value
lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:value deuStaat in Vorderasien mit der Hauptstadt Beirut.
lemon:reference OW_deu_Synset_10932     More...
uby:crosslingualSenseAlignment ../ow_eng/OW_eng_Sense_48604     More...
uby:crosslingualSenseAlignment ../ow_eng/OW_eng_Sense_5413     More...
uby:equivalent arb?????
uby:equivalent pes?????
uby:equivalent urd?????
uby:equivalent engLebanese Republic
uby:equivalent cebLebanon
uby:equivalent engLebanon
uby:equivalent indLebanon
uby:equivalent swhLebanoni
uby:equivalent wolLibaa
uby:equivalent breLiban
uby:equivalent fraLiban
uby:equivalent polLiban
uby:equivalent litLibanas
uby:equivalent epoLibano
uby:equivalent idoLibano
uby:equivalent ileLibano
uby:equivalent inaLibano
uby:equivalent itaLibano
uby:equivalent lijLibano
uby:equivalent vecLibano
uby:equivalent afrLibanon
uby:equivalent cesLibanon
uby:equivalent danLibanon
uby:equivalent dsbLibanon
uby:equivalent finLibanon
uby:equivalent hrvLibanon
uby:equivalent hsbLibanon
uby:equivalent hunLibanon
uby:equivalent javLibanon
uby:equivalent limLibanon
uby:equivalent ltzLibanon
uby:equivalent nldLibanon
uby:equivalent slkLibanon
uby:equivalent sweLibanon
uby:equivalent xfriLibanon
uby:equivalent slkLibanonská republika
uby:equivalent cymLibanus
uby:equivalent latLibanus
uby:equivalent napLibbano
uby:equivalent lavLibena
uby:equivalent estLiibanon
uby:equivalent malLubnan
uby:equivalent volLubnän
uby:equivalent scnLìbbanu
uby:equivalent catLíban
uby:equivalent astLíbano
uby:equivalent porLíbano
uby:equivalent spaLíbano
uby:equivalent islLíbanon
uby:equivalent nldRepubliek Libanon
uby:equivalent porRepública do Líbano
uby:equivalent fraRépublique libanaise
uby:equivalent frapays du Cèdre
uby:equivalent frapays du cèdre
uby:equivalent brerepublik Liban
uby:equivalent ellΛίβανος
uby:equivalent mkdЛибан
uby:equivalent srpЛибан
uby:equivalent bulЛиван
uby:equivalent kazЛиван
uby:equivalent kirЛиван
uby:equivalent ossЛиван
uby:equivalent rusЛиван
uby:equivalent tgkЛубнон
uby:equivalent belЛіван
uby:equivalent turЛіван
uby:equivalent hyeԼիբանան
uby:equivalent hebלבנון
uby:equivalent divލުބުނާން
uby:equivalent hinलेबनान
uby:equivalent sanलेबनान
uby:equivalent benলেবানন
uby:equivalent tamலெபனான்
uby:equivalent telలెబనాన్
uby:equivalent malലെബനന്‍
uby:equivalent thaประเทศเลบานอน
uby:equivalent dzoལེ་བཱ་ནཱོན་
uby:equivalent katლიბანი
uby:equivalent khmលីបង់
uby:equivalent khmសាធារណរដ្ឋ​លីបង់
uby:equivalent jpnレバノン
uby:equivalent kor레바논
uby:index 497570
uby:monolingualExternalRef MonolingualExternalRef1
rdf:type uby:MonolingualExternalRef
uby:externalReference 497570
uby:externalSystem OW SynTrans ID

Is used by:
Property Value
Is lemon:sense of OW_deu_LexicalEntry_4668     More...


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