
Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
Property Value
lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:reference OW_deu_Synset_23557     More...
uby:crosslingualSenseAlignment ../ow_eng/OW_eng_Sense_10748     More...
uby:crosslingualSenseAlignment ../ow_eng/OW_eng_Sense_52980     More...
uby:equivalent spaComoras
uby:equivalent itaComore
uby:equivalent limComore
uby:equivalent ronComore
uby:equivalent vecComore
uby:equivalent hunComore-szigetek
uby:equivalent nldComoren
uby:equivalent sweComorerna
uby:equivalent danComorerne
uby:equivalent astComores
uby:equivalent catComores
uby:equivalent fraComores
uby:equivalent frpComores
uby:equivalent glgComores
uby:equivalent inaComores
uby:equivalent porComores
uby:equivalent scnComori
uby:equivalent cebComoros
uby:equivalent cymComoros
uby:equivalent engComoros
uby:equivalent ileComoros
uby:equivalent malComoros
uby:equivalent tglComoros
uby:equivalent vieComoros
uby:equivalent pmsComòre
uby:equivalent xfriKomoaren
uby:equivalent wolKomoor
uby:equivalent estKomoorid
uby:equivalent litKomorai
uby:equivalent nnoKomorane
uby:equivalent lavKomoras
uby:equivalent stqKomore
uby:equivalent ltzKomoren
uby:equivalent nobKomorene
uby:equivalent breKomorez
uby:equivalent hrvKomori
uby:equivalent idoKomori
uby:equivalent slvKomori
uby:equivalent swhKomori
uby:equivalent finKomorit
uby:equivalent indKomoro
uby:equivalent javKomoro
uby:equivalent epoKomoroj
uby:equivalent eusKomoros
uby:equivalent novKomoros
uby:equivalent volKomoruäns
uby:equivalent cesKomory
uby:equivalent polKomory
uby:equivalent slkKomory
uby:equivalent corKomorys
uby:equivalent islKómoreyjar
uby:equivalent slkSpoločenstvo Komory
uby:equivalent fraUnion des Comores
uby:equivalent engUnion of the Comoros
uby:equivalent ellΚομόρες
uby:equivalent bulКомори
uby:equivalent mkdКомори
uby:equivalent srpКомори
uby:equivalent rusКоморские острова
uby:equivalent ukrКоморські Острови
uby:equivalent kazҚамарлар
uby:equivalent tgkҶазираҳои Комор
uby:equivalent hebאיי קומורו
uby:equivalent arbجزر القمر
uby:equivalent pesکومور
uby:equivalent divޖުޒުރުޤަމަރު
uby:equivalent hinकोमोरोस
uby:equivalent marकोमोरोस
uby:equivalent sanकोमोरोस
uby:equivalent benকোমোরোস
uby:equivalent tamகொமொரோசு
uby:equivalent telకొమొరోస్
uby:equivalent kanಕೊಮೊರೊಸ್
uby:equivalent malകൊമോറസ്
uby:equivalent thaประเทศคอโมโรส
uby:equivalent katკომორის კუნძულები
uby:equivalent amhኮሞሮስ
uby:equivalent khmកុំម៉ូរ៉ូស
uby:equivalent khmសហភាព​​កុំម៉ូរ៉ូស
uby:equivalent jpnコモロ
uby:equivalent kor코모로
uby:index 327089
uby:monolingualExternalRef MonolingualExternalRef1
rdf:type uby:MonolingualExternalRef
uby:externalReference 327089
uby:externalSystem OW SynTrans ID

Is used by:
Property Value
Is lemon:sense of OW_deu_LexicalEntry_6152     More...


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