
Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
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lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:value engA Cook applies heat to Food, where the Temperature_setting of the heat and Duration of application may be specified. A Heating_instrument, generally indicated by a locative phrase, may also be expressed. Some cooking methods involve the use of a Medium (e.g. milk or water) by which heat is transferred to the Food. A less semantically prominent Food or Cook is marked Co_participant. Sally fried an egg in butter. Sally fried an egg in a teflon pan. Ellen fried the eggs with chopped tomatoes and garlic. This frame differs from Cooking_creation in focusing on the process of handling the ingredients, rather than the edible entity that results from the process.
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8045     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8046     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8047     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8048     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8049     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8050     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8051     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8052     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8053     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8054     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8055     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8056     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8057     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_8058     More...
uby:label Apply_heat

Is used by:
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This resources is derived from FrameNet under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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The WordNet - FrameNet mapping "WordFrameNet" is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

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